Thursday, June 13, 2013

Day 9. Camps almost over!

So today we worked with Google SketchUp. I thought it was really fun. I especially enjoyed making a cat perch. So my partner and I were going to present our PicoCricket project but she backed out that really worried me for a while because we split the job. she programed it and I constructed it. So i could tell the parents and familys how to build the super swing but i couldn't tell them how the wing worked. I was really worried. I finally decided to present my paper circuit instead at least I no that project in and out.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Day 8. Can it get any more confusing? I think not.

What did you learn today?
Today I learned how to trouble shoot. I also learned what StarLogo is and how to work in it.
Did you complete the challenges from Part III? Which ones? How?
I completed the all the challenges on part III. 1) I added a new spot of brown and green, then i raised that land. 2) I added again another green and brown spot and raised the land into a hill. 3) I went to setup added a create giraffe number and do, setting the number to 20 and under do added the set  color block and the color magenta, and a set shape block with the blank dog. 4)  I went to setup added a create giraffe number and do, setting the number to 30 and under do added the set  color block and the random color, and a set shape block with the blank polar bear. 5) I went to traits and added set xy to both create giraffes and set the coordinates of the highest point in my spaceland.
What was your favorite part?
My favorite part was being able to work at my own speed.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Day 7. Tehnology or simply Magic?

Today we worked with paper circuits. They were really cool. Mine was a heart with a sash that says "Light Up Your World" with lights at the tips of the sash and sparkles everywhere. I really like it


Day Six. A day late.

So yesterday was day six. We were programing PicoCrickets. They were so AWESOME!!! we were so busy I didn't have time to blog. Me and my Partner Stephanie made a super swing ride for lego people. It looks really good. THANK YOU Stephanie for being my AWESOME partner.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Day Five. IT'S FRIDAY!!!!!!!!! :D

Today we worked with HTML. It was a lot of fun. I disighned a website called Cupcake World. It was really fun. WE also walked to barnes and nobles to get donuts but in the end we didn't.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Day four. RAINBOWS!!!!!!!! :D


Today we worked in design block. It was so fun me and my friend Stephanie had so much fun just playing around with the designs. We also played the human knot which was so mush fun as we tried to untangle ourselves. we had pizza for lunch and there were some weird toppings like spinach. YUCK!!!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Day Three at YWiC! So Much Fun!!!

So Much Fun!!!


Today we learned how to use Scratch and make animations and games. I had a lot of fun with my partner Stephanie making our animation "Brownie the Super Dog" It was so much fun watching our super dog fly backwards!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Day 2. I meade it!!!

So today was my second day at YWiC. We did origami. We learned how to make origami boxes, jumping frogs, and these multi face things that were really cool. We also did individual origami. that was tricky. I made a tiger and it turned out great except it was tail less. it as really fun. We did this game. What we did was have a blanket laid out and we had 16 girls try to all fit onto it. Then once we did we would fold it in half, get all the girls on it again and so on. It was really fun.

Monday, June 3, 2013

My first day at camp! :D

This was my first day at camp. My favorite part of today was putting together a poster of Conditional Statements. Xotchil, Monique, Stephanie, and I worked together to make this poster. Xotchil, Monique, and Stephanie came up with a skit to explain Conditional Statements. It was really fun. We also played jeopardy. A few of my team mates were annoying. Xotchil, Monique, and I ate lunch together and had a really good time.